Urban Coyote Research Project

Dr. Gehrt and a cohort of biologists from Ohio State are doing a groundbreaking study in Cook County, IL (Chicago!). We'll talk about what they are learning and explore the website together.

Kids Program: Werewolves Vs. Wolves

Is it a wolf? Is it a werewolf? Let's talk about fact and fiction, myth and reality! We'll uncover some facts and tell some stories....

Wildlife Tracking Talk with Kim Cabrera

Join us for another of our SUPER FUN and REALLY INFORMATIONAL interviews! This week it's going to be Kim Cabrera, one of our all-time-favorite animal trackers! Kim not only loves to track, she loves to show others what she does and how to do it. She is such a wealth of information! We'll talk about […]

Kids Program: Vampires Vs. Bats

Vampires Vs. Bats What's up with Vampires and Bats? Who inspired whom?? Let's talk about fact and fiction, myth and reality! We'll uncover some truths and tell some stories.... This is part of our regular Tuesday programs for kids. youtube.com/channel/UCVV7NfWlUJIm8pWYsdt62Mg

Bird Monitoring in Los Angeles with Dan Cooper

Bird Monitoring in Los Angeles with Dan Cooper We are so excited to welcome Dan Cooper to our series. If anyone knows anything about birds, native plants, and urban ecology in Los Angeles, it's Dan! You might know thim through the Griffith Park Raptor Study. Maybe you've seen his work with the Theodore Payne Foundation! […]

Chupacabra Vs. Coyote

Chupacabra Vs. Coyote What on earth is a chupacabra? Have you ever seen a coyote in your neighborhood? Have you ever encountered a mystery animal? What's mange and how does wildlife get it? Let's talk about fact and fiction, myth and reality! We'll uncover some facts and tell some stories.... This is part of our […]

Conservation Wildlife Photography: Up Close with Steven David Johnson

Conservation Wildlife Photography: Up Close with Steven David Johnson Red-spotted Newt courtship behavior underwater at Maple Flat Ponds, Virginia Photo by Steven David Johnson Close-up Photographer of the Year 2020 This week we are headed out of CA (what?!?- just wait, it's worth the trip!) and eastward to the Appalachian Mountains! I'm so excited to […]